Content Management User Guide

Languages codes:

  1. English: en
  2. Bosnian: ba
  3. Chinese: cn
  4. Croatian: hr
  5. French: fr
  6. German: de
  7. Italian: it
  8. Japanese: jp
  9. Korean: kr
  10. Latvian: lv
  11. Portuguese: pt
  12. Spanish: es
  13. Serbian Cyrillic: rs
  14. Russian: ru
  15. Ukrainian: ua


Login credentials:

Every language has a content admin account. You can log in to an account using this link. After login, you
will be directed to the profile page where you can see the account details.

  • Username: where XX is the language code (en for English, jp for Japanese, etc) (Login Screenshot ­ 1)
  • Username examples: and
  • Enter the corresponding password to the username entered. (Login Screenshot ­ 2)Adding a new item: (Profile Screenshot - 1)

login screenshot


Adding a new item: (Profile Screenshot - 1)

For adding a new article to your language. After clicking on "Add New Item" you'll see a pop up where you
can edit and configure your new article. Follow the following steps to add a new article.

proile screenshot

  • Click on "Toggle sidebar" to show the sidebar (Add Item Screenshot -­ 1)
    add item screenshot
  • Under "Author publishing status" choose your language from the "Language" drop down (Add
    Item Screenshot ­ - 2)
  • On the left side there's the article editor with the following fields:
    • Title: Article title (Add Item Screenshot ­ - 3)
    • Title alias (URL): This is the alias for this articles used to create a human readable URL, leave it empty and it'll be a dash separated lower cased version of the title "e.g. An article with the title 'Islam Pillars' will have an alias "islam­pillars" (Add Item Screenshot ­ - 4)
    • Category: The article category. There's a special category called "Secondary Navigation" which is a special category containing articles shown on the right side menu. (Add Item Screenshot ­ - 5)
    • Tags: Use this for articles taxonomy (Add Item Screenshot - ­ 6)
    • Featured: Set this article as a featured article. Featured articles will be shown on the front page and on the right side "Featured Articles" section (Add Item Screenshot ­ - 7)
    • Published: Publish this article. If you choose "No" you can still access your unpublished article from the "My Page" section. Read the "My Page" section below. (Add Item Screenshot ­ - 8)
  • Under that, there's the article editor (Article Editor Screenshot -­ 1). One thing to note is that from the editor's bottom bar there's a button called "Read More" which inserts a "Read More" red line (Article Editor Screenshot ­ - 2). The content above that line will be shown when this article is shown in a list view while the content below the red line will be shown after clicking the "Read More" link or when viewing the whole article.
    article editor screenshot
  • After you finish editing the article, click on the "Save" button (Saving Article Screenshot ­ - 1) above to save your article or click on "Close" (Saving Article Screenshot ­ - 2) to end editing this article and discard your changes.
  • Warning: When editing an article, the system locks this article for modifications until you either click on"Save" or "Close". So make sure you either click on "Save" or "Close" and not just close the browser or pop up window.
    save article screenshot
  • Important note: Please limit the excerpt to 3 to 5 lines max, so that the style of the page won’t get corrupted.

My Page: (Profile Screenshot - 2)

This page contains all your published and unpublished articles. Here you can edit your articles but you can
not delete them.

My Account: (Profile Screenshot - 3)

Here you can manage your account information, personal details and your basic account settings such as your favorite article editor, time zone and your language.


Editing existing items:

  • You can edit any published article by opening the article and clicking on the "Edit item" button on the top right corner of the article.
  • You can also comment and manage comments while you're viewing the article.
  • Articles can only be deleted from the backend administrator section.


Comments moderation:

  • Follow the link sent to your email inbox to moderate the comment.
  • After logging in, you can choose between approve (Comment Moderation Screenshot ­- 1) or remove (Comment Moderation Screenshot ­- 2) the comment.

comment moderation screenshot



  • Q: Content moderation is not working. I tried several times.
  • A: The user must be logged in to moderate the comments. If the user is not logged in as content admin, they can not see the comment moderation options. So, you should retry, after logging in.


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